Election of Officers and Committee at AGM

A new committee and set officers were elected at the recent Belvedere Union AGM, held in Belvedere House on August 28. Pictured with Headmaster Gerry Foley are Cathal J Barry (President), Kevin Lynch (Immediate Past President), John Reynolds (President Elect), Colin Lynch (Senior Vice President) and Sean Carroll (Chair, Junior Union).

Belvedere Union Committee Members 2024/2025

Cathal J Barry (President)

Kevin Lynch (Immediate Past President)

John Reynolds (President Elect / BYC)

Colin Lynch (Senior Vice President / Golf Society / Hon Secretary)

Brian Terry (Honorary Treasurer)

Niall Behan (Membership Officer)

Neil Owens (Membership Support)

PJ O’Brien (Careers Clinic Lead)

Ronan Spain (Careers Clinic Strategy)

Thomas Arnold (Communications Officer)

Ivan Hammond (Network Forum Lead)

Sean Carroll (Chair – Junior Union)

Brian O’Neill (Past President, Network Forum Strategy)

Robert Forbes (Network Forum Support)

Robert Grendon (Belvedere Support Network, formerly BBA)

David Monaghan (OBRFC Lead)

John Treacy (JAI)

Brendan Heneghan (SVP Lead)

John O’Reilly (Annual Mass)

Fr Paddy Greene SJ (Belvedere College Rector)

Gerry Foley (Belvedere College Headmaster)

Colin McCarthy (Belvedere College Deputy Principal / Union liaison)