Statement in relation to scoping inquiry findings

The Belvedere Union wishes to acknowledge the findings in the report issued to the Minister for Education this week as part of the scoping inquiry into sexual abuse in schools run by religious orders. The scale of allegations and number of alleged abusers in the report is harrowing.

As a Union, we stand in solidarity with, and fully support, all victims of abuse and deeply regret that past pupils were not protected in this regard during their time in Belvedere or other schools.

We also sincerely respect the victims who have bravely spoken out about the abuse that they have suffered and encourage anyone else who may have been affected by any such abuse to seek the appropriate advice and assistance.

The Belvedere Union previously welcomed the publication of a narrative record of the abuse perpetrated by Fr Joseph Marmion SJ on students in Jesuit schools. The narrative was compiled on behalf of the Joint Past Pupils – Jesuit Steering Group, comprised of representatives of past pupils and of the Jesuit Order. It can be read here.

Anyone who has any concerns or who has suffered abuse at the hands of any Jesuit is urged to contact the Order’s Safeguarding Office by email at or by phoning the helpline on 00 353 830874254. Those who do not wish to contact the Order directly, are advised to contact Tusla and/or the Gardai.

The Belvedere College response to this week’s report can be found here.